Preppers Step up Against COVID

Preppers Step up Against COVID

( – Despite popular belief, the average prepper isn’t always stocking up for a true apocalypse. They’re preparing for situations exactly like the COVID-19 pandemic, and the many ways in which it is affecting our world. And they aren’t only focused on their own safety, or the safety of their loved ones, either — right now they’re also breaking operational security to help others stay safe and secure by sharing essential survival information. Here’s how.

Sharing Information

If there’s one thing preppers know, it’s how to secure a food supply — and that includes gardening indoors and out. Many have turned to social media to share information on how to grow edible plants, such as tomatoes, lettuce, and fruit, from seeds, cuttings, or saplings. Even though you can’t grow most of them quickly, it’s a great long-term strategy for success.

Others are providing easy step-by-step guides on how to create a stockpile, what items to keep, and how to store them long-term without any loss. This is almost as important as teaching people how to grow their own food — all the food in the world is no good if it goes bad, gets stolen, or just simply wastes away. The same is true for storing gear and other supplies.

And sometimes, the information shared is less direct: books, guides, building plans, and even 3D printing designs have all been offered up by preppers, often for free. While some of these can be a little less useful to the general population, it’s still a great example of how they’re helping out.

Being Prepared

On a more subtle level, the prepper’s inherent ability to plan ahead and stockpile helps all of us, too. Preppers are often accused of hoarding, but most actually create their stockpiles a little at a time long before a crisis occurs. When the proverbial dung hits the fan, they don’t need to engage in any panic buying or hoarding, and that makes it easier for people who don’t prep to access the supplies they need. They’ve already acquired their supplies when provisions were abundant and readily available to everyone.

Helping People Cope

Morale and attitude is 90% of any survival situation. The moment you lose your ability to cope, everything else suffers as a result. Isolation just happens to be one of the most stress-inducing, mentally draining situations a lot of us have faced in a long time. That’s why prepper and YouTuber, Brad Harris, of Off Grid With Brad And Kelly and Full Survival Spectrum is sharing his favorite coping skills.

Harris suggests that one way to beat back the loneliness is to call loved ones even if you’re going to just keep the line open and watch a TV show together. That might seem silly, but sometimes what matters most is just not feeling alone. And thanks to modern technology, it’s easy to make that happen.

Helping Vulnerable People

Most preppers don’t just stockpile what they need for themselves, although that’s certainly where it starts. Nearly everyone keeps a few extra supplies around just in case someone they know needs a hand — especially vulnerable seniors, the disabled, or the sick. Many regularly donate supplies to people in their neighborhoods who need a helping hand. Others have generously offered up masks to local hospitals, nursing homes, and food banks.

Being Prepared to Help in an Emergency

A house begins to burn. An infant is trapped in a vehicle after a crash. Or, maybe it’s just a plain old plumbing problem in the middle of a pandemic. All is not lost if you have an experienced prepper nearby! Chances are, your friendly neighborhood prepper will not only know a solution, but also have the supplies at the ready to help you put it into action.

So, the next time someone around you tries to laugh at or make fun of preppers, remind them of the truth: they just might be the heroes who save the day when trouble comes knocking on the door.

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